What to Do If You're a Target of Voice Phishing: Reporting Steps and Tips

How to Report Voice Phishing Attempts

Voice phishing, also known as vishing, is a type of social engineering attack that uses phone calls or voice messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or transferring money. If you believe you have been the target of a voice phishing attempt, it's important to take action to report the incident. In this post, we'll explore the steps you can take to report voice phishing attempts.

Report the incident to your bank or financial institution

If the voice phishing attempt involved an attempt to steal money or access your bank account, report the incident to your bank or financial institution immediately. They will be able to freeze your account and take steps to protect your funds.

Contact your local authorities

If you have been the target of a voice phishing attempt, contact your local authorities, such as the police or the FBI. They will be able to assist you in reporting the incident and may be able to help you recover any stolen funds.

Report the incident to the FTC

Report the incident to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at ftc.gov/complaint. The FTC is responsible for investigating voice phishing attempts and will be able to take action against the attacker.

Notify the relevant companies

If the voice phishing attempt involved an attempt to steal sensitive information, such as your password or credit card number, notify the relevant companies. Change your password for the affected accounts and monitor your account statements for any suspicious activity.

In conclusion, if you believe you have been the target of a voice phishing attempt, it's important to take action to report the incident. By reporting the incident to your bank or financial institution, local authorities, the FTC, and the relevant companies, you can help protect yourself and others from these sophisticated attacks.

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