국비100%지원 멋쟁이사자처럼 블록체인3기 2월27일까지 접수마감

  국비100%지원 멋쟁이사자처럼 블록체인3기 2월27일까지 접수마감 과정소개 교육일정 교육장소 접수방법 1. 과정소개 국민내일배움카드를 보유하고 있거나 발급 가능하다면  비전공자도 전공에 상관 없이  누구든지 지원하실 수 있는 과정입니다. WEB3를 이끄는 블록체인 개발자로의 도약, NFT프로젝트부터 프론트엔드에 블록체인을 더한 DApp 개발까지 새로운 기술을 갖춘 대체불가한 개발자로 성장하기 위한 교육과정들로 구성되어 있습니다. 2. 교육일정 1차 서류 제출 기간 : 2023년 2월 27일 오전 10시까지 2차 선발 결과 안내 : 2023년 2월 28일 2차 면접 진행 기간 : 2023년 3월 2일 ~ 3월 3일 최종 선발 결과 안내 : 2023년 3월 6일 모집인원 : 총 80명 3. 교육장소 K-Digital Training 과정으로 100% 실시간 온라인 라이브로 진행됩니다. K-Digital Training 과정은 5년간 1번만 지원할 수 있습니다. 4. 접수방법 멋쟁이사자처럼 블록체인 3기스쿨 홈페이지에서 신청하실 수 있습니다. https://techit.education/school/kdt-blockchain-3rd

공인노무사 2023년도 시험 일정 및 시험 장소

공인노무사 2023년도 시험 일정  및 시험 장소 공인노무사는 시험일정 시험장소 접수방법 1. 공인노무사는 공인노무사는 노동관계 법령에 따라 관계기관에 대하여 행하는 신고, 신청, 보고, 진술, 청구(이의신청, 심사청구 및 심판청구를 포함한다) 및 구제 등의 대행 또는 대리, 노동관계 법령에 따른 모든 서류의 작성 및 확인, 노동관계 법령과 노무관리에 관한 상담, 지도 「근로기준법」을 적용 받는 사업이나 사업장에 대한 노무관리 진단, 「노동조합 및 노동관계조정법」 제52조에서 정한 사적 조정이나 중재의 일을 합니다. 2. 시험일정 공인노무사 2023년 시험일정 구분 제32회 1차 제32회 2차 제32회 3차 정기접수 3월 27일 ~ 3월 31일 7월 17일 ~ 7월 21일 7월 17일 ~ 7월 21일 빈자리접수 시험시행일 5월 27일(토) 9월 9일(토)~ 9월 10일(일) 12월 8일(금) 합격자발표일 6월 28일(수) 11월 22일(수) 12월 27일(수) 공인노무사 2023년도 제32회 시험은 1차, 2차 3차에 걸쳐 치러지며 1차 시험은 3월에 접수하며 2차, 3차 시험은 7월에 접수합니다. 3. 시험장소 공인노무사 2023년도 제1차 시험은 서울, 부산, 대구, 인천, 광주, 대전에서 치러지며 제2차 시험 장소는 제1차 시험과 같습니다. 제3차 시험은 서울만 있습니다. 4. 접수방법 공인노무사 2023년도 접수는 한국산업인력공단 자격의 모든 것 큐넷 사이트에서 할 수 있습니다. https://www.q-net.or.kr/

The Risks of Falling for Voice Phishing Scams: Consequences and Prevention Tips

The Consequences of Falling for Voice Phishing Scams Voice phishing, also known as vishing, is a type of social engineering attack that uses phone calls or voice messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or transferring money. While voice phishing scams can be sophisticated and convincing, it's important to remember that falling for one of these scams can have serious consequences. In this post, we'll explore the consequences of falling for voice phishing scams. Loss of funds One of the most common consequences of falling for a voice phishing scam is the loss of funds. If you have transferred money to a scammer, it may be difficult or impossible to recover your funds. Compromised personal information Another consequence of falling for a voice phishing scam is the compromise of your personal information. Scammers may use this information to steal your identity, open new credit accounts in your name, or commit other types of fraud. Damaged credit score If...

What to Do If You're a Target of Voice Phishing: Reporting Steps and Tips

How to Report Voice Phishing Attempts Voice phishing, also known as vishing, is a type of social engineering attack that uses phone calls or voice messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or transferring money. If you believe you have been the target of a voice phishing attempt, it's important to take action to report the incident. In this post, we'll explore the steps you can take to report voice phishing attempts. Report the incident to your bank or financial institution If the voice phishing attempt involved an attempt to steal money or access your bank account, report the incident to your bank or financial institution immediately. They will be able to freeze your account and take steps to protect your funds. Contact your local authorities If you have been the target of a voice phishing attempt, contact your local authorities, such as the police or the FBI. They will be able to assist you in reporting the incident and may be able to help you recover...

Protect Yourself from Voice Phishing: 5 Essential Tips for Staying Safe

Tips to Protect Yourself from Voice Phishing Attacks Voice phishing, also known as vishing, is a type of social engineering attack that uses phone calls or voice messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or transferring money. With attackers becoming more sophisticated in their methods, it's important for individuals to take steps to protect themselves. In this post, we'll explore several tips that individuals can follow to protect themselves from voice phishing attacks. Be cautious of unsolicited calls Be cautious of unsolicited calls, especially those that ask for personal information or money. Verify the identity of the caller before disclosing any sensitive information. If in doubt, hang up and call the organization back using a trusted phone number or email. Don't trust the caller ID Caller ID can be easily spoofed, so don't rely on it as proof of the caller's identity. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from a bank or go...

Different Types of Voice Phishing Attacks: Be Prepared and Protect Yourself

Types of Voice Phishing Attacks Voice phishing, also known as vishing, is a type of social engineering attack that uses phone calls or voice messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or transferring money. This form of phishing is becoming more sophisticated and widespread, with attackers using a variety of techniques to target victims. In this post, we'll explore the different types of voice phishing attacks and the methods they use to deceive their targets. Vishing via Phone Call Vishing via phone call is the most traditional form of voice phishing. Attackers use phone calls to impersonate a trustworthy entity and convince the victim to disclose sensitive information or transfer money. The call may be automated or live, and the attacker may use urgency or fear tactics to pressure the victim into acting quickly. Voice Phishing through VoIP Voice phishing through VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a form of vishing that uses internet-based phone syst...

Protect Yourself from Voice Phishing: Understanding Vishing Attacks

  Introduction to Voice Phishing Voice phishing, also known as vishing, is a type of social engineering attack that uses phone calls or voice messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or transferring money. This form of phishing is becoming more sophisticated and widespread, making it important for individuals to understand how vishing works and how to protect themselves. How Voice Phishing Works Voice phishing works by impersonating a trustworthy entity, such as a bank or government agency, and convincing the victim to disclose sensitive information or make a payment. The attacker may use a spoofed caller ID to make it appear as though the call is coming from a legitimate source, and they may use urgency or fear tactics to pressure the victim into acting quickly. For example, the attacker may pose as a bank representative and ask the victim to provide their account number and password to prevent their account from being frozen. The victim, believing that t...