Different Types of Voice Phishing Attacks: Be Prepared and Protect Yourself

Types of Voice Phishing Attacks

Voice phishing, also known as vishing, is a type of social engineering attack that uses phone calls or voice messages to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or transferring money. This form of phishing is becoming more sophisticated and widespread, with attackers using a variety of techniques to target victims. In this post, we'll explore the different types of voice phishing attacks and the methods they use to deceive their targets.

Vishing via Phone Call

Vishing via phone call is the most traditional form of voice phishing. Attackers use phone calls to impersonate a trustworthy entity and convince the victim to disclose sensitive information or transfer money. The call may be automated or live, and the attacker may use urgency or fear tactics to pressure the victim into acting quickly.

Voice Phishing through VoIP

Voice phishing through VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a form of vishing that uses internet-based phone systems. This allows attackers to make calls from anywhere in the world and to hide their true identity through caller ID spoofing. Voice phishing through VoIP is becoming increasingly common, as it is easier and more cost-effective for attackers to set up compared to traditional vishing via phone call.

Spoofed Caller ID Phishing

Spoofed caller ID phishing is a type of voice phishing in which the attacker uses software to fake their caller ID, making it appear as though the call is coming from a trusted source. The attacker may impersonate a government agency, a bank, or any other organization that the victim trusts, and then use urgency or fear tactics to convince the victim to disclose sensitive information or transfer money.

In conclusion, voice phishing is a growing threat that takes many forms. Understanding the different types of voice phishing attacks and the methods they use can help individuals protect themselves from these sophisticated attacks. By staying informed and being vigilant, individuals can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of vishing.

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